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Plastic-Free Waterways through Art entry and Mood Board

An entry for the Plastic-Free Waterways through Art competition held by Syracuse University in upstate New York, my entry is one of the 27 entries made by us Visual Communications students here at SUNY Orange. It was also done for a grade for Visual Communications 4. 


For my entry, I did as a digital painting in Photoshop.

Originally in the mood board I created for the project, I wanted to include more marine wildlife surrounding the water-bottle holding the fantail goldfish inside. However, I decided to keep with the theme of water and plastic pollution in the piece and just kept the fish in the bottle as it is the representation of the effect of the pollution it has on the wildlife living in the oceans, rivers. lakes, etc. Although the goldfish, the water in the bottle, the water of the ocean, and background was done in Photoshop, the water-bottles itself and all the plastic waste was posterized in Illustrator and adjusted on Photoshop. The water-bottle holding my goldfish illustration captive was traced out in Illustrator and soften in Photoshop to go with the soft look to the piece, especially with the digital paint strokes of the water.

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