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Apprentice Players "TOTALLY DURANG'(d) program cover

In March, me and my design partner, Kevin reunited to work on the program cover (shown left of artist statement) for the Apprentice Players' spring play, "TOTALLY DURANG'(d)". The formatting of the program itself was done in Adobe InDesign. We used a condense sans serif for the header and then a bold font for the play title itself in a fuchsia hue for the headline with the artwork provided by the adviser of the Apprentice Players (the artwork itself was done by another artist). Originally, I had wanted to put the play artwork in a rectangular frame and Kevin wanted to crop the artwork in a circular frame. In turn, that is what we ended up going with. The subtitle below the headline was in a serif font as well as the disclaimer at the bottom. The show-dates are in an bold sanserif font. The program cover creates symmetry because of the alignment of the show-dates. In turn, we carried the program cover design over to the bulletin board design just with added information.

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